Guitar Tab Creator Supports Arrow Navigation!
We've listened to all the great feedback on the the new interface and have made some much needed improvements to it. Without a doubt,the most requested feature was the ability to navigtate the tab and change notes only using the keyboard. And, now you can now write notes without using the fretboard interface! Yes, that's right, you can now directly edit the tab using only the keyboard. Of course, you can still use the fretboard, but, you can control the cursor using only the direction keys, add notes and effects, edit timings, all using only the keyboard! The Advanced Tab Editor is now more user friendly and takes the aggravation out of fixing a mistake.
Being able to write tab with the keyboard greatly increases the control you have in creating guitar tabs, giving you the freedom to create your own tabs with no restrictions, as well as easily edit and change them on the fly. Truly, as easy as using a paper and pencil! Add to this the addition of Alternate Tunings, and you have a feature rich set of tools to make it easy to write and share guitar tab online.
To use this new feature. click the "Try new Beta Tab Editor" checkbox located on the lower right of the tab creator page.
Check out the help section here: Interactive Tab Editor